Sunday, March 13, 2022

Intuitive anger in the context of crime and punishment


The central hypothesis in this study by Carolyn Côté-Lussie and David is that individuals will experience greater intuitive angry responses when making punitive decisions for purported‘ stereotypical criminals’ as opposed to ‘a typical criminals’. This hypothesis is tested using crossed multilevel multiple linear regression models adjusting for within-participant and within-picture clustering of data.

Intuiting may be a complex set of interrelated cognitive, affective, and somatic processes, during which there’s no apparent intrusion of deliberate, rational thought. Our own research in our AUGP TJC neuroscience centre confirms the construct of intuition has emerged as a legitimate subject of scientific inquiry that has important ramifications for education, personal, medical, and organizational decision-making, personnel selection and assessment, team dynamics, training, and organizational development. We have also conducted P300 research which we call event-related potential (ERP) component elicited in the process of decision making. It is considered to be an endogenous potential, as its occurrence links not to the physical attributes of a stimulus, but to a person’s reaction to it. More specifically, the P300 is thought to reflect processes involved in stimulus evaluation or categorization.

Intuition literature defined intuition as “affectively-charged judgments that arise through rapid, non-conscious, and holistic associations.” Outcomes of intuition are often experienced as a holistic “hunch” or “gut feel,” a way of calling or overpowering certainty, and an awareness of knowledge that’s on the edge of conscious perception.

The results of this study suggest that pictures of ‘stereotypical criminals’ engendered a statistically significant increased intuitive angry response (occurring between 500 and 1000 ms) compared to that for ‘atypical criminals’.

These results, therefore, support the hypothesis that individuals experience greater intuitive anger in response to ‘stereotypical criminals’.

This is an area that will provide all of us in TJ community with much material for further research. We are happy to arrange such studies using some of the sensitive technology we have at our neuroscience centre connected with AUGP Therapeutic Jurisprudence Centre.

Article may be found here:

Prof.Lakshman Madurasinghe

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